Intangible heritage and its possible relations with tourism: A study on the cultural group Boi Flor do Lírio from Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil


  • Heidi Gracielle Kanitz Federal University of Piauí/CMRV-Parnaíba, Brazil
  • Thamires do Nascimento Sousa Federal University of Piauí/CMRV-Parnaíba, Brazil



Parnaíba, Intangible heritage, Identity, Bumba-Meu-Boi, Tourism


The Bumba-meu-boi is an artistic and cultural party that presents in all the Brazil, thus revealing different characteristics of popular culture. Regarded as intangible heritage recognized by the Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage, is part of the identity of a people. The object of study in this article it is the folkloric group of Bumba-meu-boi "Boi Flor do Lírio", in the city of Parnaiba, State of Piauí. Seeks to describe the history of the event in Brazil, especially the group in question, presenting their activities and for tourism use possibilities. This is a qualitative research, bibliographical, documentary and descriptive. Among the main results, it follows that the group comprises the Bumba-meu-boi as their cultural identity, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the activities in order to transmit them to future generations. It also recognizes the importance of tourism as a vector for the dissemination of the group and aid in preserving memory.


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How to Cite

Gracielle Kanitz, H., & do Nascimento Sousa, T. (2023). Intangible heritage and its possible relations with tourism: A study on the cultural group Boi Flor do Lírio from Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 8(2), 68–92.