About the Journal

Publishing Entity

The scientific journal Tourism and Hospitality International Journal [THIJ] is an editorial project of the Department of Tourism of ISCE - Instituto Superior de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, within the Institution's Research Center (CI-ISCE), in digital format, with free access, dedicated to the publication of original scientific articles in the areas of Tourism, Hospitality and Restaurants.


The publication's mission is to share knowledge and skills obtained from scientific and applied research in Tourism, Hotels, and Restaurants, gradually bringing the community of researchers from the three areas closer together.


The journal will have a regular biannual publication, in September and March, and its publication will be published in digital format to achieve worldwide and free distribution.


Its international and multicultural scope will allow the publication of texts in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, accepting works from authors from any country who aim to contribute to a pertinent and useful discussion for the development of Tourism.


This publication aims to be governed by international criteria of excellence, ensuring the quality of scientific articles through an anonymous review process (blind referee) by a scientific committee composed of evaluators external to the publishing entity, from prestigious higher education institutions and representative national and international personalities.

At an initial stage, the Editorial Board reserves the right to reject papers that it considers to be of insufficient quality, or not relevant enough to the journal's thematic areas. Works evaluated by the Editorial Board with sufficient quality and relevant to the thematic areas of the publication are forwarded to scientific evaluators for anonymous review.


THIJ is an open access scientific publication, whose content is freely and openly available to be read, downloaded, distributed, printed and used by users or institutions, without the permission of the editors or authors.

The entire publishing process (including all editorial phases) is also free. Original, plagiarism-free, neutral, and independent works submitted by authors are subject to a “blind review” process. The author must ensure that these works have not previously been published or are currently under analysis and possibility of publication in another physical or electronic space. Published articles are the responsibility of their authors.


Licença Creative Commons

Tourism and Hospitality International Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on the work available at https://revistas.rcaap.pt/thij/issue/archive