The challenges of seasonality in tourism: Strategies for the valorisation of the touristic offer in Ovar


  • Tânia Filipa Lopes Guimarães Historical Heritage, Museums and Tourism Service - Ovar Town Hall
  • Norberto Nuno Pinto dos Santos Department of Geography - University of Coimbra



Seasonality, Tourism System, Ovar, Tourism segmentation, Seasonality management


The tourism sector is currently understood as one of the economic activities that contributes most to the economic development of a destination, assuming itself as a complex and dynamic system, influenced directly and indirectly by a set of trends associated with various markets. Seasonality is a comprehensive and transversal phenomenon to several domains, including the tourism sector. Ovar is characterised by significant seasonality patterns, along with a still developing tourism activity. This research was based on a face-to-face survey of the municipality's tourist offer. Based on the results obtained it was found that Ovar is a destination that is mainly associated to the Sun and Sea tourism, revealing some gaps in terms of dissemination, in the creation of partnerships and synergies and the ability to adopt competitive strategies. As a result, there is an urgent need to invest in the creation of new products and the attraction of new market niches, in effective marketing, in the promotion of partnerships and strategies between the various stakeholders. The present text seeks to highlight the potential of Ovar destination and evaluate the performance of the tourism offer, in order to provide new lines of development capable of mitigating the seasonality phenomenon and improve the future performance of the tourism activity in the municipality.



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How to Cite

Lopes Guimarães, T., & Pinto dos Santos, N. (2023). The challenges of seasonality in tourism: Strategies for the valorisation of the touristic offer in Ovar. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 3(1), 46–68.