O turismo na Geórgia e as orientações estratégicas da política estatal em termos de crise


  • Marina Metreveli Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Business Technologies
  • Nunu Gigauri Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Business Technologies
  • Rusudan Kutateladze Georgian Technical University, Faculty of Business Technologies




Tourism development strategy, Tourism policy, Tourist resources, Sustainable development, Political and economic crisis


The work presents a contemporary policy of tourism development and strategic directions of its management in terms of crisis in Georgia, aiming at purposeful and consistent implementation of the tourism policy in the country. In the first place, the work considers the major goal of development, which must support sustainable development and the instruments of the tourism development policy, whose deficit greatly hampers the processes of tourism growth and development, particularly in terms of crisis (Metreveli M., 2015). The goal of the paper is to identify the gaps in the tourism policy in Georgia (related to sub-goals and lack of instruments) and to develop measures to eliminate them. The objectives of the study are: Identifying the economic-political factors of tourism development during the crisis; identifying the priorities in the process of approximation of tourism legislation with the EU legislation; considering the activities to improve the state policy of development of tourism in terms of crisis. The work offers the recommendations related to the operation of the Georgian National Tourism Administration, as of one of the most important institutions promoting an improvement of income and employment opportunities in the country and implementing the policy of sustainable development of tourism. Based on the study materials, the major trends of the tourism development strategies for Georgia were developed, which, if achieved, will approximate the branch to the achievement of the major goal of development.


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How to Cite

Metreveli, M., Gigauri, N., & Kutateladze , R. (2023). O turismo na Geórgia e as orientações estratégicas da política estatal em termos de crise. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 15(1), 59–77. https://doi.org/10.57883/thij15(1)2020.30876