
  • Cristina Sales Ferreira de Souza Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo
  • Raul José de Souza Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo



The increase in the search for an effective supply of urban road infrastructure has led to the continuous search for solutions for means of transportation compatible with the interests of the population of the cities. In this context, Lanzillotta (2013) states that means of locomotion, such as the bicycle emerges as a key element to sustainable urban development. Studies indicate that the bicycle has transposed its basic function of means of locomotion, added the activity of leisure and recreation and incorporated to the space of touristic interest. In the last years, the bicycle was incorporated to the urban mobility policy agenda of large cities. This happened slowly in the case of the city of São Paulo until the early 2010s, presenting greater intensity as of 2013 (Lemos, Harkot & Santoro, 2016).
This study takes a brief look at some general data on the use of bicycles for sightseeing around the city, particularly from the perspective of female cyclists. This preliminary analysis used surveys of women who visited the city of São Paulo by bike, with the starting questions: what are the challenges faced by women when touring the city of São Paulo? Does the city's cycling infrastructure promote any impact on the decision to use the bicycle during their rides? At the end, we seek to test the hypothesis about the act of pedaling representing a motivational factor for women to decide to use the bicycle in their rides in the city of São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Sales Ferreira de Souza, C., & de Souza, R. J. (2023). DETERMINANT FACTORS IN THE CHOICE OF THE TOURISTIC TOUR BY BIKE THROUGH THE EYES OF WOMEN. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal, 18(2), 12–18.