About the Journal
Journal without Processing Fees
The UIIPS Journal, currently designated as the UI_IPSantarém Journal, is a multidisciplinary electronic periodical publication, covering the four scientific domains included in the Research Unit (UI) of Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (IPSantarém): Life and Health Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Exact Sciences and Engineering. UI_IPSantarém Journal aims to disseminate research activities developed by the academic community of the IPSantarém, as well as other higher education and research institutions. The journal follows an internationalization strategy, which involves collaboration with several universities and research entities, under protocol with IPSantarém, and which result in the publication of special issues.
ISSN 2182-9608.
Journal without Processing Fees
The journal does not charge Article Processing Charges (APCs)
Plagiarism Check Policy
The journal has a policy of checking plagiarism by reviewers.
Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that scientific knowledge should be free of charge to the public, to provide greater world democratization of knowledge.
The content of this journal is available free of charge. It is allowed to search, read, download or link to the full articles, and any other use permitted by law, according to the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial -NoDerivations 4.0 International).
RCAAP (Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal) - (https://www.rcaap.pt/)
Peer Review
The publication of articles in the UI_IPSantarém Journal is subjected to prior evaluation, under double blind peer review.
At no time will reviewers have access to the identification of the authors of the article under review. The scientific arbitration procedure includes the following phases:
1) The manuscript is submitted in the platform by an author. The provided Template 1, which has no authorship identification, must be used for manuscript writing. At the submission process, all authors should be listed in the platform, with the indication of the corresponding author.
2) The manuscript is assigned by the Main Editor to one of the Section Editors according to the scientific domain of the manuscript.
3) The Section Editor takes over the management of the review process or assigns it to one of the other editors in the scientific domain. This editor analyzes the structure, originality, relevance, and methodological suitability of the manuscript, in accordance with the journal's rules. Articles that do not strictly comply with the journal submission conditions will be returned to the authors, indicating the reasons for this return, without starting the peer review process. Authors may return to the submission procedure after the adjustments have been made.
4) Manuscripts that fall within the scope of the journal and comply with the rules will later be forwarded by the editor, without identification of authors, to reviewers with experience and professional competence in the scientific area in question, who will be asked for a critical and reasoned review, submitted in the platform.
5) Once the review process is completed, minor or major changes to the submitted article may be requested. In this case, the authors will have an indicated period to resubmit the corrected work, taking into account the revision proposal. After checking the revisions (if requested) the reviewers issue their final review to the editor responsible for the review process, which will gather the opinions and reviews and issue a single opinion that it will send to the Section Editor.
6) The final decision on publication is the sole responsibility of the Section Editor and is communicated to the corresponding author by the Main Editor.
Continuous Publishing
Publication until September 30
In 2022, the UI_IPSantarem Journal started to adopt the model of continuous publication, with each article being published, immediately after the approval following the peer revision process.
Each year, a volume is published with editions of the four scientific domains: Life and Health Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Exact Sciences and Engineering. Editions are opened on the 1st of October of each year and closed on the 30th of September of the following year. Articles submitted until the closing date are published continuously, in the edition of the corresponding scientific domain. In addition to the continuous flow, the journal maintains the publication of special issues, with editing and review rules that are equally clear, rigorous, and documented.
Publication Flow
The publication flow is totally performed in the journal platform and should be completed within 60 days after submission and acceptance for revision. The following dates and responsibilities are:
- Submission of the article submitted to the section editor within 2 days (Main Editor)
- Send to the editor who will be responsible for the review process within 2 days (Section Editor)
- Submission to at least 2 reviewers within 3 days (Editor responsible for review)
- Review process within 21 days (Reviewers)
- Sending any request for changes to the article to the authors within 3 days (Editor responsible for the review)
- 7-day deadline for authors to respond to the change request (Authors)
- Possible new submission to reviewers for final opinion on article submission within 3 days (Editor responsible for review)
- Sending the opinion on acceptance/rejection to the editor responsible for the article within 2 days (Reviewers)
- Submission of the acceptance/rejection opinion to the section editor within 2 days (Editor responsible for the review)
- Decision and submission to the Main Editor on the acceptance/rejection of the article within 2 days (Section Editor)
- Notification and publication (in case of acceptance) within 7 days (Main Editor)
- Dissemination/dissemination of the article published by digital channels and social networks within 2 days (Main Editor)
- Sending certificates to the editors, reviewers and authors involved within 4 days (Main Editor)
Journal History
The journal “Revista da UIIPS” was founded in 2013 by the Directorate of the IPSantarém Research Unit, and was included in the Scientific Journal Hosting Service (SARC) in 2015. Its coordination was changed in 2016 and 2021, being the journal currently called “Revista da UI_IPSantarém”.