Mobilizing for change in a pandemic context


  • Joaquim Trovão Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
  • Marco Lobato Instituto Politécnico de Santarém



SELFIE, Digital Technologies, Continuing professional development, Teaching and learning, Assessment practices


The year 2020 will be encrypted in the History of Mankind as a shattered time due to the SARS COVID-19 pandemic that scarred us due to the abrupt way we have lived it on personal, familiar and social levels. The impact of this change also happened at school and learnings preventing us to return to a past, which we were already finding difficult to accept. In this study we present the change in three dimensions: the pedagogical, the digital and the human. We studied a vulnerable educational context, the A.E. Professor Agostinho da Silva (AEPAS) in the Lisbon metropolitan area. We will focus on the change that occurred at the digital dimension of AEPAS. In order to do it, we used the SELFIE_DigComOrg tool which provided the evolution of a change capable of mobilizing the pedagogical practices resorting to digital technologies.



How to Cite

Trovão, J., & Lobato, M. (2020). Mobilizing for change in a pandemic context. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 8(4), 47–59.