Reflection on the role of district governments in the sustainable management of artisanal gold mining in Mozambique

Natural and Environmental Sciences




District governments, management, artisanal gold mining, sustainability


This article focuses on the role of district governments in the sustainable management of artisanal gold mining in Mozambique: a case study of the district of Manica. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the role of the district government in the sustainable management of artisanal gold mining in the face of opportunities and obstacles in the development of that district. Methodologically, a qualitative approach was adopted associated with a literature review and semi-structured interview techniques (formal and informal conversations) supported by a script of questions for each target group. The interview was applied to nine people being directed to members of the district government by the district services of economic activities, geology and mines, assuming the established hierarchy encompassing the locally instituted leadership at the base, two members of the associations and individual miners including aimed at local community members at the focal points and one resident of munhena. The analysis of the interviews carried out was based on content analysis. The results obtained showed that there are tendencies for local authorities to intervene positively in the sustainable management of artisanal gold mining, given that there is strong legislation at the national level that provides for mining associations, so that artisanal miners, when sensitized to join the association, can have capacity building and training on good practices and sustainable standards for artisanal mining.



How to Cite

Choé, J. . (2022). Reflection on the role of district governments in the sustainable management of artisanal gold mining in Mozambique: Natural and Environmental Sciences. Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 10(3), 22–33.