The impact of training and retention of human capital in raising competitive advantages in the private sector in Mozambique: Case of BDO, E&Y e KPMG Mozambique (2012 to 2021 period)




Recruitment, retention, talents, competitive advantages.


The survival of any organization depends on achieving high levels of competitiveness, the research with the theme "The impact of training and retaining human capital in raising competitive advantages in the private sector in Mozambique - period 2012-2021", developed and discussed aspects linked to the formation of human capital and retention of talents in organizations, starting from the processes of recruitment, selection, training and retention of qualified and motivated employees in order to understand how the procedures in attracting contribute to the retention of qualified personnel, since, the competitive advantage of organizations largely depends on the people who operate in it. For the materialization of the research, a study was made in two parts, the bibliographic research and the field study with the objective of “analyzing the impact of the training and retention of human capital in the increase of competitive advantages in the private sector in Mozambique” . The transformation of talents into competitive advantages in organizations was taken into consideration. The research also discussed the relationship between talented and motivated people with strategic positioning of private organizations. A literature review was used to assess the different conceptions defended by some authors who developed theories on the subject in question. Field research was carried out involving three companies operating in the same field, providing services and consultancy BDO, E&Y and KPMG, comparing the practices and effects of the strategies adopted in attracting, inducing, training and retaining talented people in organizations. The literature has argued that the practices of attracting, developing and retaining talent have three fundamental steps for the success of a human resources policy that aims to attract, develop and retain talented professionals within institutions. The research showed the relationship between talent retention, leadership and sustainability of competitive advantages. It also showed that there is a concern with people trained or qualified by the organization, insofar as, when they are qualified and competent, they become attractive to the competition. It was also possible to conclude that talented people do not remain in organizations only for the salaries considered high, the organizational environment has become the engine of people rotation in positions and organizations. Based on the findings, it is recommended that motivational processes should be considered from the recruitment process, induction to promotions or changes in positions



How to Cite

Nhapimbe, J. da G. J. (2023). The impact of training and retention of human capital in raising competitive advantages in the private sector in Mozambique: Case of BDO, E&Y e KPMG Mozambique (2012 to 2021 period). Revista Da UI_IPSantarém, 11(4), 91–108.