Impact Science'23 Conference


Impact Science’23 - 1st & 2nd October 2023

The IMPACT SCIENCE 23 International Conference invites researchers to submit their work for oral or poster presentation. We promote multidisciplinary exchange and knowledge transfer to the business community and society in 4 scientific domains: Life and Health Sciences, Natural and Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Exact and Engineering Sciences.

About the Conference

Scientific Impact’23 is a conference with several objectives:

  • To promote the dissemination and exploration of the European Project PREDICT - JOBS OF THE FUTURE WITH AI 4 VET INCLUSION
  • To promote the exchange of knowledge and cooperation between 4 scientific domains: Life and Health Sciences, Natural Sciences and Environment, Social and Human Sciences, Exact Sciences and Engineering.
  • To promote the transfer of knowledge to the business community and society, emphasizing potential applications of research results.
  • To promote the integration of students in scientific events and their training for presenting research results.
Date: 1st & 2nd October 2023

Place: IPSantarém (39°13'18.8178", -8°41'16.119") 

Conference Languages: Intercomprehension


The program of the conference is available here.

Participation Certificate

The conference participation certificate can be obtained after completing the satisfaction survey: Link to the Satisfaction Survey

Certificates for Oral Presentations and Posters can be obtained HERE.

Online session

The link to watch online is the following (Auditorium 1):

Oral Communications 

Auditorium 1 - Life and Health Sciences, Exact and Engineering Sciences, Social and Human Sciences (same link indicated above)

Auditorium 2 - Natural and Environmental Sciences:


The conference registration is free and is already available. It can be done here.

Submission of Abstracts


Access (create account if necessary) the UI_IPSantarém journal account, and register all the information directly in a new submission (no need to create and upload any file in the abstract submission). All the necessary fields (including the abstract itself will be registered in the expected fields of the submission flow).

Abstracts are submitted in the platform of the Journal UI_IPSantarém, in Portuguese and English, and according to the following standards: Title (10 to 15 words), Abstract (500 words), Keywords (3 to 5). Authors and their affiliation are also registered at the time of submission.

In the first step (Start) "Abstract" must be selected in the section field. In the second step (Manuscript Transfer) click on the button "Cancel" in the window "Upload File Submission" (since we do not intend to attach any file). It is in the third step that the title, abstract and key words in both languages are registered, as well as the authors. Proceed to the end of the submission.

All submitted abstracts will be subject to blind review by a reviewer who is a member of the scientific committee of this conference. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings and made available on the Conference website.

We are pleased to invite you to submit your abstract

Models of Oral Communication



Poster templates




Submission of Articles

Authors whose abstracts are accepted may submit their corresponding full articles until October 30th. Guidelines for article formatting are available in the UI_IPSantarém Journal template, here (submission in English).

To submit an article one of the authors must access (create account if necessary) to the UI_IPSantarém journal account and submit the article document according to the model mentioned above. All article submissions will be evaluated on a double-blind review basis, reviewed by at least two reviewers who are members of the scientific committee of this conference, and only original works will be accepted.

We are pleased to invite you to submit your paper

Organizing Committee

This conference is organised by the Research Unit of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (UI_IPSantarém), namely through the following members:

Scientific Committee

Helena Mira (ESA), Igor Dias (ESA), Maria Adelaide Oliveira (ESA), João Paulo Brito (ESDRM), Luís Cid (ESDRM), Rafael Oliveira (ESDRM), Ana da Silva (ESE), Isabel Piscalho (ESE), Susana Colaço (ESE), Filipe Madeira (ESGT), Nuno Leitão (ESGT), Pedro Oliveira (ESGT), Catarina Afonso (ESS), José Amendoeira (ESS), Maria Regina Ferreira (ESS), Manuel José Lopes (Universidade de Évora), Maria Potes Barbas (PREDICT Coordinator), Paula Pinto (UI_IPS Subdirector), Gabriela Neagu (PREDICT – ICCV), Migle Koch (PREDICT – ShipCon), Maria Koutsombogera (PREDICT – Endurae), Evangelos Kapros (PREDICT – Endurae), Natassa Kazantzidou (PREDICT – IDEC) and Orestis Dagiandas (PREDICT – IDEC).

Important Dates


For any support request related to the organization of this event, please contact the Organizing Committee:

For any support request related to abstract or paper submission, please contact the Scientific Committee:

Sponsors and Partners


