About the Journal

Focus and Scope

This is an open-access journal with double-blind peer review, publishing any scientific contribution related to the basic and clinical aspects of modern Radiology, including imaging diagnostic and intervention techniques, nuclear medicine, radiobiology and radiological physics. 

The editorial structure comprises the following sections: Editorial; Opinion Articles; Reviews; Original Articles; Continuous Training; Images of Interest; Clinical Cases; Letters to the Editor.

All manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board and independent Reviewers. The Original Articles, Images of Interest, Technical Innovation, Clinical cases and Letters to the Editor are submitted spontaneously and subject to peer review.

The Editorials, Opinion Articles and Continuing Training are submitted upon request of the Editorial Board.

Any article submitted must be original and not previously published. The rigor and accuracy of its contents, as well as the views expressed, are the sole responsibility of the authors.

Articles published in the ARP can be reproduced for non-commercial purposes , maintaining original credits to the authors and journal with a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI,  according to CC BY-NC. After publication in ARP, authors can publish the papers in public or institutional repositories, always mentioning prior publication in the ARP.


Peer Review Process

ARP follows a rigorous double-blind system for peer review.

All manuscripts are first reviewed by the editor-in-chief who may reject them at this stage without resorting to the reviewer’s opinion.

Papers not in compliance with the journal’s guidelines cannot be accepted for publication.

Final acceptance of the paper is the scientific editor’s responsibility.

After review process, papers may be:

a) Accepted without modification

b) Accepted after modification proposed by reviewers

c) Rejected


Only papers containing original material not yet published, in whole or in part, and which have not been submitted for publication elsewhere, will be accepted.

Upon receipt of the manuscript, the editor-in-chief or section editor will invite at leats two reviewers for peer review. 

Within 28 days, the reviewer should reply to the editor-in-chief or section editor indicating the comments on the manuscript subject to revision, and his suggestion regarding the acceptance, revision or rejection of the work. Within 10 days, the Editorial Board will take a decision which may be: accept the paper without modifications; submit comments from reviewers to authors so that they may proceed according to recommendation; or rejection.

 When changes are proposed, authors have 15 days (period which can be extended at the authors request) to submit a new revised version of the manuscript, considering the comments of the reviewers and those of the editorial board. Authors should answer all the questions received and submit a revised version of the paper, with the inserted changes highlighted with a different colour.

The editor-in-chief has 10 days to make the decision regarding the new version: reject or accept the new version, or submit it for a new assessment by one or more reviewers.

In the case of acceptance, in any of the previous phases, this will be communicated to the Corresponding Author.

For the article proofing stage, substantive changes to papers will not be accepted. The inclusion of such changes can motivate the subsequent rejection of the paper by decision of the Editor-in-chief.

In all cases, the opinions of the reviewers will be fully communicated to authors within 6 to 8 weeks from the date of receipt of the manuscript.

Types of Papers

The following types of papers are considered for publication:

Editorials : These are submitted on invitation of the Editorial Council and usually are comments on current topics. Must be under 1200 words, without any tables/figures and 5 references maximum. No need for abstract.

Original Articles: The manuscript must follow this order: Title, structured Abstract (250 words maximum, keywords (3 to 6), Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. The text should not exceed 3500 words, 40 references and 6 figures/tables.

Clinical Cases: Reserved for trial and clinical reports of exceptional interest and immediate application. Title, non-structured Abstract (150 words maximum). The text should not exceed 1500 words, 2-3 figures/tables 15 references. A number of 6 authors maximum are recommended. Submission requires consent for publication.

Images of Interest: Total extension of text should not exceed 500 words, 3 figures/tables, 3 references. A number of 6 authors maximum are recommended.

Letters to the Editor: May be submitted on topics previously published in the journal or on recently published articles. Must be addressed to the Editor-in-chief and, if that is the case, the authors of the original paper are invited to reply. They should not exceed 600 words and may have 5 references maximum. A number of 3 authors maximum are recommended.

Reviews: Abstract under 250 words. Less than 4000 words and may include 100 references and 20 figures/tables maximum. A number of 6 authors maximum are recommended.

Technological Innovation: Abstract with less than 150 words. Should not exceed 1250 words and it may include 10 references and 6 figures/tables maximum. A number of 7 authors maximum are recommended.

Continuous Training: Papers on subjects of great scientific, radiological interest with view to updating readers. The paper must include: structured Abstract up to 250 words. The text should not exceed 3500 words. It should include 30 recent references minimum, and 10 figures/tables maximum are allowed. After the text body, a test with questions to assess what you have learned should be included. 

Opinion Articles: These are only submitted by invitation to the Editorial Council. They are comments on current topics. Abstract with less than 150 words. They should not exceed 2500 words and may include 35 references and 5 figures/tables maximum. A number of 4 authors maximum are recommended.

Perspectives: An abstract of up to 150 words. They must not exceed 2500 words and may include a maximum of 35 references and a maximum of 5 figures/tables. A maximum number of 4 authors is recommended.

Guidelines: SPRMN and specialty colleges, official entities and/or groups of doctors wishing to publish recommendations for the clinical practice in the ARP must previously contact the Editorial Council and submit the complete text and the version to be published. The Editor-in-Chief may require exclusive publication of the recommendations in the ARP.

Editorial Freedom

It is the responsibility of the Portuguese Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine to appoint and dismiss editors, to establish a contract with the editors at the time of their appointment, where it may be clearly outlined their rights and duties, their authority, the general terms of the appointment and the mechanisms for conflict resolution. The publisher’s performance is evaluated through mutually agreed indicators.

ARP has adopted the ICMJE’s definition of editorial freedom described by the World Association of Medical Editors, which states that the editor in chief takes full authority over the editorial content of the journal as a whole and on the publication of its contents. The Portuguese Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine as the owner of ARP does not interfere in the evaluation, selection, programming or editing of any manuscript, neither directly nor by maintaining an environment that may strongly influence decision making. The editor bases his editorial decisions on the validity of the work and on its importance to the ARP readers, not on commercial considerations regarding the journal, and is free to express critical views, although responsible, on all aspects of medicine without fear of reprisals.


ARP does not consider previously published material (except abstracts presented in conferences) or awaiting publication.

Ethical Responsibility

Informed Consent and Ethical Standards

Authors must ensure that the study that led to the paper being submitted for publication complies with ethical and legal principles, either during research or publication, including the recommendations of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, revised in October 2013 and available at http://www.wma.net/en/20activities/10ethics/10helsinki/, and the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals. – Produced by the International Committee of Medical Journals – ICMJE, reviewed in 2014, available at http://www.icmje.org/recommendations and those of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines).

When in the paper submitted to ARP there are descriptions of experiments in humans, it should be mentioned in the manuscript that the nature, objectives and procedure of this study were thoroughly explained to participants and that their informed consent was obtained. This statement must be included in the manuscript. Any suspicion of misconduct will be investigated and reported.

All submitted manuscripts should comply with the requirements for submitting manuscripts to biomedical journals. 

The journal’s editorial policy incorporates in the review and publishing process the Editorial Policy Statements issued by the Council of Science Editors (http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3331).


Conflict of interest

Authors must declare potential conflicts of interest in the copyright statement. In this context, authors are obliged to disclose any financial and personal relationships that exist in relation to the work that is submitted. They must also identify any benefits that may be associated with the publication of the article, including: shares or financial interests in companies or other institutions, salaries or bonuses, scholarships or other forms of financing, consultancies, patent rights or any other types of relationships financial. Any other personal, professional, political, religious, or any other type of relationship that readers may consider likely to influence the article being published must also be reported. This information will be kept confidential during the review of the manuscript and will not influence the editorial decision but will be published with the article if it is accepted. The existence of conflicts of interest for the publication of an article does not constitute a reason for its rejection, as long as such conflicts of interest are duly declared. If in doubt about what constitutes a relevant financial or personal interest, authors should contact the editor-in-chief.

As mentioned in the ICMJE Requirements, authorship requires a substantial contribution to the manuscript, and it is necessary to specify, in a cover letter, the contribution of each author to the work. Declaration of individual contributions signed by each author (template http://download.thelancet.com/flatcontentassets/authors/tl-author-signatures.pdf)

Authors are those who:

1) Have a substantial, direct intellectual contribution to the design and preparation of the article;

2) Participate in the analysis and interpretation of data;

3) Participate in writing the manuscript, reviewing versions and critically reviewing the content; approval of the final version;

4) Agree that they are responsible for the accuracy and integrity of all work. In addition to being responsible for the parts of the work that they have done, an author must be able to identify which of the co-authors were responsible for other specific parts of the work.

Obtaining funding, collecting data, or general oversight of the working group alone does not justify authorship. All those designated as authors must meet the four criteria for authorship, and all those who meet the four criteria must be identified as authors. Collaborators who do not meet the four criteria for authorship but who have contributed to the study or manuscript must be recognized in the Acknowledgments section, specifying their contribution.

The corresponding author must obtain written permission from all those mentioned in the acknowledgments.

When submitting an article, authors must attach: 1) Cover letter, written and signed by the corresponding author, which must explain why the manuscript is of interest to ARP and must be published, which must state that the article is original, that it was only submitted to that journal and which has not been previously published and which complies with the instructions to authors; that the work complies with ethical and legal principles (complyed with the recommendations of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, was evaluated and approved by an ethics committee, if original study); and what are the sources of financing.

2) Declaration of authorial responsibility, written and signed individually by each of the authors of the work, and in which each one must declare that they meet authorship criteria and specify their contribution to the work; that is in accordance with the content of the article; whether there are conflicts of interest and what they are; and the assignment of copyright and authorization for the publication of the work. Although editors and reviewers make efforts to ensure the technical and scientific quality of manuscripts, the final responsibility for the content (namely the rigor and precision of the observations, as well as the opinions expressed) lies solely with the authors, to whom the intellectual property of articles.

3) Declaration of Conflicts of Interest. To do this, you must download the document “ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest” available at: http://www.icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest/


Technical Data Sheet 


Luís Curvo Semedo, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Department of Imaging Medical, Coimbra Hospital and University Centre, Portugal.



Carlos Bilreiro, Department of Radiology, Fundação Champalimaud. Nova Medical School, University Nova of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.


Editorial Board

Abdominal and Gastrointestinal Radiology

Section Editor: Daniel Andrade (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, PT)

Carolina Terra (ULS Alto Minho, PT)

João Amorim (IPO Porto, PT)

Jorge de Brito (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve - Faro, PT)

Luís Curvo Semedo (Centro Hospitalar do Baixo Vouga, PT)

Luísa Costa Andrade (CUF Tejo, PT)

Manuela França (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, PT)

Teresa Vilares (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, PT)


Artifical Intelligence and Imaging Informatics

Section Editor: João Abrantes (ULS Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, PT)

Adalgisa Guerra (Luz Saúde, PT)

Francisco Calisto (Instituto Superior Técnico, PT)

João Santinha (Fundação Champalimaud, PT)

Nuno Pereira da Silva (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, PT)

Tiago Baptista (CUF Tejo, PT)


Breast Radiology

Section Editor; Elisa Melo Abreu (IPO Porto, PT)

Ana Paula Vasconcelos (Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, PT)

Carolina Carneiro (Hospital de Braga, PT)

Francisco Aleixo (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve - Portimão, PT)

Gonçalo Freire (CUF Descobertas, Cascais, Sintra e Tejo, PT)

Hálio Duarte (IPO Porto, PT)

Inês Leite (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, PT)

José Carlos Marques (IPO Lisboa, PT)

Manuela Gonçalo (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, PT)

Miguel Braga (IPO Lisboa, PT)

Mónica Coutinho (IPO Lisboa, PT)


Cardiac and Vascular Radiology

Sectior Editor: Joana Costa (JCC Diagnostic Imaging, PT)

António Madureira (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, PT)

Bruno Graça (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, PT)

Carla Saraiva (Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, PT)

Diana Penha (Liverpool Heart and Chest, EN)

Hildo Lamb (Leiden University Medical Center, NL)

Rodrigo Salgado (UZA Antwerp, BE)

Tommaso D’Angelo (Università Degli Studi Messina, IT)


Head and Neck Radiology

Section Editor: Ana Germano (Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca, PT)

Alexandra Borges (IPO Lisboa, PT)

Luís Duarte Silva (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve - Portimão, PT)

Mariana Horta (IPO Lisboa, PT)


Interventional Radiology

Section Editor: Ana Isabel Ferreira (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, PT)

Belarmino Gonçalves (IPO Porto, PT)

João Praia (ULS Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, PT)

Pedro Lopes (ULS Gaia Espinho, PT)

Pedro Sousa (ULS Gaia Espinho, PT)

Rui Ramos (ULS Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, ULS Alto Minho, PT)

Teresa Dionisio (ULS Gaia Espinho, PT)

Tiago Bilhim (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central, PT)


Musculoskeletal Radiology

Section Editor: Miguel Oliveira e Castro (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve - Portimão, PT)

Alberto Vieira (CUF Porto, PT)

Ana Vieira (CUF Porto, PT)

Diana Afonso (Luz Saúde - Lisboa, PT)

Diogo Roriz (Trofa Saúde - Braga, PT)

Ricardo Sampaio (Hospital Lusíadas Porto, PT)

Vasco Mascarenhas (Luz Saúde - Lisboa, PT)



Section Editor: Daniela Jardim Pereira (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, PT)

Catarina Pinto (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, PT)

Gonçalo Gama Lobo (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Centra, PT)

José Manuel Amorim (Hospital de Braga, PT)

Mariana Diogo Schuette (ULS Almada - Seixal, PT)

Pedro Cordeiro (Hospital Divino Espirito Santo, PT)


Paleoradiology and Non-destructive testing by X-ray

Section Editor: Carlos Prates (Affidea Lisboa, PT)

Carlos Oliveira (Trofa Saúde Amadora, PT)

Jorge Justo Pereira (Radis, PT)

Sandra Costa Sousa (Lusíadas Lisboa, PT)


Pediatric Radiology

Section Editor: Daniela Pinto (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, PT)

Cátia Esteves (Hospital de Braga, PT)

Conceição Guerra (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, PT)

Filipa Costeira (Hospital de Guimarães, PT)

Helena Torrão (IPO Porto, PT)

Henrique Patrício (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve - Faro, PT)

Lúcia Nascimento (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central, PT)

Luísa Lobo (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, PT)

Maria José Noruegas (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, PT)

Paulo Coelho (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, PT)

Rita Prata (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central, PT)


Quality and Management in Radiology

Section Editor: Carlos Francisco Silva (Centro Hospotalar de Setúbal, PT)

Rute Martins (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve - Faro, PT)

Vasco Herédia (ULS Alentejo Central, PT)


Thoracic Radiology

Section Editor: Rosana Santos (Affidea, Luz Saúde Lisboa, PT)

Alcinda Reis (ULS Entre Douro e Vouga, PT)

Amélia Estevão (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, PT)

André Carvalho (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, PT)

Carina Ruano (Hospital de Cascais, Luz Saúde, PT)

Guida Matos Ferreira (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central, PT)

Inês Dias Marques (ULS Gaia Espinho, PT)

Isabel Duarte (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, PT)

Joana Ip (Fundação Champalimaud, PT)


Urogenital Radiology

Section Editor: Teresa Margarida Cunha (IPO Lisboa, PT)

Ana Sofia Moreira (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve - Faro, PT)

Carla Bahia (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve - Portimão, PT)

Cristina Maciel (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, PT)

João Lopes Dias (Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central, PT)

Maria Ana Serrado (Centro Hospitalar do Funchal, PT)

Rita Camelo (ULS Alto Minho, PT)

Rita Lucas (Lusíadas Lisboa, PT)

Sara Belião (Affidea Lisboa, PT)


Technical Consultant

Helena Donato, Serviço de Documentação, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Portugal



Luisa Costa Claudio, Sociedade Portuguesa de Radiologia e Medicina Nuclear, Lisboa, Portugal


Quadrimestral Publication



Sociedade Portuguesa de Radiologia e Medicina Nuclear


Editorial Office


Av. Elias Garcia, 123 - 7ºDto.

1050-098 Lisboa - Portugal

Tel.: 217 970 530 / Fax: 217 955 012

E-mail: sprmn@sapo.pt

Site: www.sprmn.pt



Papers can be submitted in Portuguese or English.

Titles, abstracts and keywords must always be submitted in the two languages mentioned.



Before submitting the manuscript to ARP, authors must have the following documents which may be requested by the editorial body:

- Informed consent of each participant, if applicable;

- Informed consent of each individual in the photographs, even after trying to hide identity;

- Authorization to reproduce/use previously published material, to reproduce previously published illustrations;

- Declaration of approval of the ethics committees of the institutions involved, if applicable.



All pulications are archived in RCAAP (Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Aberto), a platform managed by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia), a national public agency supervised by the Education, Science and Innovation Ministry. 


Final note

For a more complete explanation on this subject it is advisable to consult Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations), available at http://www.ICMJE.org.



All papers are under the Copyright Code, which is retained by the journal, but its reproduction in other publications is authorized as long as the original publication in ARP is cited.





Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to published content without Article Processing Charges (APC).

The Acta Radiológica Portuguesa is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC BY NC).



Portuguuse Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine


Journal History

Scientific Journal published since 1989, quarterly, is the official hournal of the Portuguese Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (SPRMN). It is a journal with double-blind peer review, publishing any scientific contribution related to the basic and clinical aspects of modern Radiology, including imaging diagnostic and intervention techniques, nuclear medicine, radiobiology and radiological physics.