

  • António J. Madureira Department of Radiology, Centro Hospitalar de São João, Porto




This being my first editorial after March elections, I think it is important to share and reflect on the main guidelines that will conduct the action of the new Management.

First of all, a word of appreciation to all previous Directorates for their work in favor of the Portuguese Radiology, gradually increasing its external visibility and always maintaining a particular emphasis on the continuous training of Radiologists.

Migrating contents to online platforms is a worldwide trend that we will have to follow. The Society has on file a large source of papers presented at high quality Congresses and Meetings, which will be available in the Members area for consultation.

The Radiological Act will maintain its important role as a vehicle for the dissemination of the national scientific production and its indexation is in progress.

The Society School has played a key role in the training of residents and it will be maintained. Given its great success we will seek to broaden its scope to allow Experts to take advantage of this as well.

We will maintain the organization of all the usual Courses and Congresses, as well as the existing partnerships with similar Scientific Societies.

Training residents will also be fundamental in our line of action.

The Portuguese Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, despite being a society of a scientific nature, cannot ignore the “non-scientific” problems that affect Radiologists, namely in terms of their professional practice and will continue to support and organize discussion forums where these issues can be debated and discussed.

To achieve these goals we need everyone's collaboration! Please send suggestions and/or criticism to the Society on how we can improve our action. At a time when our specialty is the target of multiple attacks from many different directions, we will only be able to prevail if we remain united and focused on our goals.




