Trombectomia da Artéria Basilar Através do Acesso Transbraquial num Paciente com Dissecção da Aorta




Subject: Submission of a case report titled “Transbrachial basilar artery thrombectomy in a patient with aortic dissection”.


Dear Ata Radiológica Portuguesa Editor,


We are submitting a case report entitled “Transbrachial basilar artery thrombectomy in a patient with aortic dissection” for consideration for publication in Ata Radiológica Portuguesa.


In the last few years the endovascular management of acute stroke emerged as one of the most efficacious and powerful treatments in medicine. With this report we aimed to share our experience regarding endovascular thrombectomy using an alternative route approach to the usual transfemoral technique and recall all radiologists for the importance of performing a good Angio-CT study of the neck, in order to plan the best treatment approach. This is a case of a patient with aortic dissection and basilar artery occlusion that underwent a successfully thrombectomy through the transbrachial approach.  We review and discuss the current available alternative treatment options and their advantages over the classic transfemoral technique.  Interventional cardiology have already demonstrated the safety and benefits of the transradial or brachial approaches and careful and slowly, neurointerventionists are now starting to use and explore these alternatives. Time is brain and so, facing an acute stroke in which the classical technique might not be suitable, it is crucial to know and rapidly switch to the available alternative techniques and achieve the best possible outcomes.


Thank you in advance,


Best regards,


Filipa Maria Borges Costa de Brandão Proença





Clinical Cases