EDITORIAL - Peer-reviewing: the Backbone of Scientific Journals
Acta Radiológica Portuguesa is the scientific voice of Portuguese Radiologists and national Radiological Societies and Associations. We welcome short communications, editorials and perspectives from all interested readers. Acta Radiológica Portuguesa represents the written voice of the Portuguese Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (SPRMN). It relies on all SPRMN associates to live and prosper. Readers will want quality manuscripts, with interesting information that may have a direct impact on their daily practices. However, to assure quality on all provided materials, a journal cannot solely rely on the submitting authors. The journal needs experienced peer-reviewers that help to “raise the bar” and provide homogeneous high-level quality manuscripts. Thus, we rely on SPRMN associates not only to read and follow our journal; but also to use it as a scientific voice submitting their work and last, but not the least, to help during the peer-reviewing process. Acta Radiológica Portuguesa should be in the priority lane of all Portuguese-speaking Radiologists when considering a journal to submit their work.
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