EDITORIAL - Change in the Editorial Team


  • Paulo Donato Medical Imaging Department, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Portugal
  • Tiago Bilhim Centro Hepato-Bílio-Pancreático e da Transplantação, Hospital Curry Cabral, CHULC https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3044-8474
  • Manuela França Serviço de Radiologia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, Porto, Portugal https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1068-8577




The “Acta Radiológica Portuguesa” is the main scientific dissemination vehicle of the SPRMN. After thirty-four years of existence, it shows signs of youthfulness with more than thirty active papers under peer review. It represents the scientific voice of the national and international radiological community, which needs to be increasingly participatory in quantity and quality. Current times are guided by a wide variety of scientific journals, and the choice of the journal to publish an article must take into account the target audience. If we are national radiologists and radiologists from Portuguese-speaking countries, then this is our journal; this is our solar system. Our task is to “inhabit”, preserve and enrich our solar system.
The editorial team that ensured the journal’s activity over the last six years and which now ceases to function had the unconditional support of the SPRMN boards and heartfelt thanks to the respective presidents, Prof. Filipe Caseiro Alves and Dr. António Madureira are due.




