Resectoscopic Resection of a Large Submucous Uterine Myoma


  • Gonçalo Inocêncio Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • António Braga Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Ana Galvão Centro Hospitalar do Porto
  • Rosa Zulmira Centro Hospitalar do Porto



Submucous myoma(s) can decrease the chances of a spontaneous conception and, therefore, be a cause of reproductive failure.

There are many different methods for submucous myoma(s) treatment. The choice for the best treatment approach should take into account the characteristics of the myoma: the size, number (single or multiple), location and its relationship with the myometrium/uterine cavity; Also, the age of the woman and her desire for procreation have great influence when choosing the best treatment method.

The intrauterine endoscopic techniques are currently widely used and considered minimally invasive surgical procedures.

We present a case of a 32-year-old nulliparous woman, attempting to get pregnant, who was diagnosed with a large submucous uterine myoma. A successful resection, of a 5,8 cm greater diameter submucous myoma, was made by resectoscopic surgery.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Gonçalo Inocêncio, Centro Hospitalar do Porto

Serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Departamento da Mulher e da Medicina

António Braga, Centro Hospitalar do Porto

Serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Departamento da Mulher e da Medicina

Ana Galvão, Centro Hospitalar do Porto

Serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Departamento da Mulher e da Medicina

Rosa Zulmira, Centro Hospitalar do Porto

Coordenadora da Cirurgia Ginecológica em Ambulatório (Centro Integrado de Cirurgia de Ambulatório do Porto-CICA)


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