Portugal, Europe and democracy


  • António Barreto Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa




Portuguese economy, membership of EFTA, emigration, membership of the European Economic Community, membership of the European Union


Portugal's 'swing' towards Europe began in the sixties. Emigration is the main point to note. When Portugal joined EFTA this also had important consequences for the Portuguese economy. Politically, the democratic aspirations of many Portuguese found their models in Europe. Before 1974, European countries did not put any real pressure on the regime to extend democracy. During the 1974-5 revolution, it was towards Europe that a large part of the Portuguese political world cast its gaze. Several European countries played both an important political and economic role in the help they gave the democratic regime, which was not set up without difficulty. As soon as democracy was established in 1976 Portugal applied for membership of the European Economic Community. Though the response was positive, a ten-year-long transition period was imposed. Now since 1986 Portugal has been a full member of the European Union, which has brought the society a number of benefits such as developmental aid, liberalization and an openness to the world. Yet negative effects have also been felt, particularly in the productive sectors with the greatest difficulties: agriculture, fishing, mining and some processing industries. From the political point of view, certain problems deserve consideration. The European Union's well-known lack of transparency and what is called the 'democratic deficit' are compounded with a Portuguese public administration which is traditionally closed-in on itself, secretive and distant. Another factor that magnifies the deficiencies of European democracy is the weakness of the community.


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How to Cite

Barreto, A. (1994). Portugal, Europe and democracy. Análise Social, 29(129), 1051–1069. https://doi.org/10.31447/AS00032573.1994129.01



Research Article