Thoracic segmental spinal anesthesia for cesarean section in a parturient with atrial septal defect- a case report

Thoracic segmental spinal anesthesia for cesarean section in a parturient with atrial septal defect- a case report








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english english, english



rahul biswas, GNRC hospitals ltd



english english, english



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Como Citar

Haloi, P., biswas, rahul, & bora, ananta. (2024). Thoracic segmental spinal anesthesia for cesarean section in a parturient with atrial septal defect- a case report: Thoracic segmental spinal anesthesia for cesarean section in a parturient with atrial septal defect- a case report. Revista Da Sociedade Portuguesa De Anestesiologia, 33(3).