Anaesthesia Training and Continuous Education in Greece: Current Situation and Future Perspectives
Training in Anaesthetics – The Greek Reality
training, residents, specialists, anaesthesia, GreeceResumo
In Greece, the updated 2019 program for the training in anaesthesia follows the guidelines of the European Board of Anaesthesiology, encompassing all theoretical and practical learning objectives. The training is time- and count-based, lasts for 5 years and can take place in 4 types of training centres. At the end of the residency, the trainee must provide proof of activities in the relevant logbook and is subject to formal assessment. As there is no recertification or revalidation program for specialists, in order for them to demonstrate their knowledge and engagement in lifelong learning, they are motivated to earn CME/CPD activities credits. Compared to the past decades, training in anaesthesia has improved, placing more emphasis on professionalism, but there is still a long way to go and many challenges, mainly regarding resources (human and infrastructure), still exist.
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Pickle, Robert. Revalidation or Recertification: What Does It All Mean?. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences 6(1):p 12-15, Jan–Jun 2018. doi: 10.4103/amhs.amhs_132_1
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