Programa de Formação em Anestesiologia na Sérvia: a que distância dos requisitos de formação europeus?
Anesthesiology, Competence-based education, Intensive Care, Specialty,Resumo
The European Training Requirement in Anesthesiology Update (ETR), from the standing committee on Education and Professional Development (EPD) of the Section and Board of Anesthesiology of the European Union of Medical Specialties (UEMS) defines the standards and a basic structure of the training program for the specialization of anaesthesiology, pain therapy, and intensive care, which can be adapted in different countries according to their educational systems. Recommendations are based on modern pedagogical concepts of outcome or competency-based education. In Serbia, based on the Law on Health Care, The Ministry of Health establishes a lawful requirements and documents of rules on specialties and subspecialties for health workers and health associates, including the training program in anaesthesiology, resuscitation, and intensive care. Here we present the program of specialist training in Anaesthesia, Resuscitation, and Intensive Care in Serbia, comparing to ETR and pointing out the main strengths and places for improvement, to achieve a transparent, fair, reliable, and recognizable educational standard.
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Direitos de Autor (c) 2024 Vojislava Neskovic, Gordana Jovanovic
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