Educación sin Antropología: el caso de los temas transversales en España


  • Joan Vendrell Ferré Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos


This paper explores the consequences of not including Anthropology or other Social Sciences in the design of the new education programs in Spain. For the author, there are two facts that are conditioning the pedagogic plans: scientifism and "the triumph of pedagogic psychologies". Scientifism as an ideology with hegemonical pretensions can't be questioned if Philosophy, Anthropology or other Social Sciences disappear from the Basic Curriculum. And the same occurs with pedagogies based on the "scientific" psychology. We are facing a real sociocultural expropriation, accompanied by a cult of the individual - narcissism. Words or expressions having the prefix "self” are very common in the objectives of the new Curriculum in Spain. This can be seen in the case of the "transversal themes", and we can ask ourselves about the consequences of excluding anthropological contents in the new programs.



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