Urban Resilience pro-Sustainability and planning under uncertainty
urban resilience, pro-resilience urban planning, sustainability, uncertainty, transformabilityAbstract
The study of urban resilience has been a field of research of scholars, planning technicians and policy makers. It provides a theoretical framework and a set of analytical and operational devices to face the complex consequences and risks that result from the recurrence and increase in the magnitude of tensions, crises and catastrophes that, often, question the ways of survival of the human species.
Resilient urban systems demand urban planning systems designed for strengthening, in the long run, learning capacity (preparation), robustness (persistence), innovation (transformability) and flexibility (adaptability), mainly in contexts of crisis and / or sudden transactions. Therefore, planning urban resilience implies structured solutions to respond to risks associated with expected and unexpected crises and catastrophes.
The purpose of this article is to move forward the debate on planning theories and practices to deal with the growing uncertainty that characterizes extreme and unforeseen events. There is a gap in the theoretical and practical references able to place resilience in urban systems, making trajectories oriented towards sustainable development, understood as a civilizational goal. The contribution for this discussion will be based on the clarification of the constellation of concepts, the state of maturity of the theoretical framework, the reflection on how it can serve as a normative basis for sustainability and what are the assumptions for planning urban resilience pro-resilience in the context of expanding risks, crises, catastrophes and uncertainties.
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