Social asymmetries, learning and empowerment habitats for the VUCA World
Case study on the “House of Innovation”
innovation, public policy, professional training, triple helice, Nova Iguaçu, VUCAAbstract
The VUCA World is a concept related to the unforeseen and speed with which changes occur in the market. The term VUCA is an acronym for the English words Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. The aim of this article is to identify formative traits and characteristics included in the “Casa da Inovação” programme, which seeks to help young people deal with the VUCA world and contributes to the reduction of social asymmetries. A predominantly qualitative approach was used, making use of documentary research, and open interview with the innovation policy manager, and with data analysis of the project implemented in the city of Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The results point to a great adherence of the population to this initiative and an expansion of new units. However, given the program's maturity time, it is not yet possible to conclude its effectiveness in terms of employability, but in terms of training propositions. This article identified that public policies can be directed to contribute to the development of a region or country. It is understood that monitoring the demands of the labor market is crucial for reducing asymmetries. The implementation of spaces that do not repeat the mechanisms of reproduction of inequalities mentioned by Bourdieu, may allow individuals from the studied location to be better prepared for the current context of business change.
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