Bases for urban landscape planning

Hyperespectral images use for identification of areas providing support ecosystem services



ecosystem services, territory, urban planning, remote sensing, carbon sinks


The consideration of ecosystem services in landscape planning can both prevents and mitigate environmental impacts on the territory, an objective that is achieved through services that are related to the provision of resources and regulation of the environment, providing socio-cultural well-being. But such services are anchored in the integrity of the ecosystem achieved by ecological support functions that, in turn, have their best expression in the presence of vegetation and the ability to uptake carbon in the landscape. This understanding demands that territorial planning consider and have the means to measure the presence of these services to support their decisions on land use and occupation. The present work aims to identify carbon sinks in the territorial landscape of the Federal District, using remote sensing tools to support territorial planning based on the promotion and protection of ecological support functions and, as a result, of the ecosystem services (regulation, provision and culture). In order to identify areas with carbon sink behavior, the ICO2 and CO2flux indices were applied to a portion of the landscape of the Federal District, one linked to the presence of CO2 in the atmospheric column and the other to the vegetation photosynthetic efficacy. In the results analysis, a relationship between the indices was observed, in the identification of carbon sinks, and evidence of the vegetation performance in the provision of ecosystem support services was provided, pointing out the relevance of the hyperspectral indices to subsidize the territorial planning.

Author Biographies

Maria do Carmo de Lima Bezerra, Architecture and Urbanism College at the University of Brasília

Architect and Urbanist from the Federal University of Ceará (1980) with a master's degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Brasília (1988) with a scholarship from CAPES and a doctorate in Urban Environmental Structures from the University of São Paulo (1996) with a scholarship from FAPSP. Postdoctoral fellow at the AAP, Cornell University, USA (2009-2010) and postdoctoral fellow at the DUyOT at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2019-2020) with a scholarship from FAP-DF. She is Associate Professor IV at the University of Brasilia, working in the Master's and Doctorate Program in Architecture and Urbanism since 1996, where she is the Coordinator of the Research Area in Planning and Project at PPGFAU / UnB. He has a Research Productivity Scholarship - PQ / CNPQ (2020-2023) and leads the Research Group on Urban Environmental Management (UnB / CNPq). Participates as a researcher at NEUR- Center for Urban and Regional Studies at UnB for more than 10 years and at the Brasília Center - RIDE of the INCT of the Observatório das Metrópoles / IPPUR / UFRJ and the Green Infrastructure & Sustainable Cities Research Group, coordinated by Professor Dr. Ian Mell of the University of Manchester and the UPM Research Group in Architecture, Urbanism and Sustainability (GIAU + S) coordinated by Professor Emilia Román. In partnership with Tatiana Chaer, she organized the book: What Advanced in Urban Land Regularization: concepts, legal framework, methodology and practice (Editora da UnB, 2019 in press) and Urban Landscape: Nature and People (2020 in press, Editora da UnB) . She served as Territorial and Urban Planning Advisor for the Federal District - CONPLAN, IDB Consultant - Inter-American Development Bank, Executive Director of the Brasília Sustainable GDF / World Bank Program, Special Advisor for ABEMA, Secretariat for the Environment, Science and Technology of the Federal District of GDF, Councilor of CONAMA, Planning Director of NOVACAP, General Coordinator of the Executive Secretariat of the Ministry of the Environment and of the Brazilian Agenda 21. As a researcher, she has been working on Urban Land Regularization Projects, Urban and Regional Planning, Green Infrastructure, Mobility, Sustainable Drainage and Environmental Assessment, topics on which she published several articles in journals and organized National and International Congresses and supervised 29 master's dissertations and 6 doctorate. Currently, she is a visiting researcher at the Research Group Paisaje Cultural y Natural, Infraestructura Verde y Redes Ecológicas, Department of Urbanism and Terriotorial Planning - DUyOT of the Polytechnic of Madrid - UCM.

Gustavo Macedo de Mello Baptista, Geosciences Institute, University of Brasília

Associate Professor II at the Geosciences Institute of the University of Brasilia. Coordinator of the UnB Pole of the Professional Master's Degree in the National Network for Teaching Environmental Sciences - ProfCiamb (2018-current). Former coordinator of the Graduate Program in Applied Geosciences and Geodynamics (2016-2018) and former Director of the Center for Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies CEAM / UnB (2014-2016). He has a Bachelor's Degree in Geography from the University of Brasília (1994), a Bachelor's Degree in Social Studies - Geography Qualification from the Pioneer Union of Social Integration Faculdades Integradas (2009), specialization in Future Intelligence: Prospective, Strategy and Public Policies from the University of Brasília. Brasília (2015), master's degree in Environmental Technology and Water Resources from the University of Brasília (1997) and doctorate in Geology from the University of Brasília (2001). Has experience in Geosciences, with emphasis on Remote Sensing and Environmental and Urban Assessment. Researcher at the Brasília Center at INTC Observatório das Metrópoles

Rômulo José da Costa Ribeiro, Architecture and Urbansim College, University of Brasília

Geologist from the University of Brasília (1999), Master and Doctor in Architecture and Urbanism (2003 and 2008), from the University of Brasília. He is Associate Professor I - DE at the University of Brasilia. He coordinates the Brasília Nucleus of the INCT of the Observatório das Metrópoles / IPPUR / UFRJ, since 2009. He coordinates the Brasília Nucleus Research Group, in which spatial issues are studied in support of the understanding and urban and environmental planning of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Brasília. Participates in the Morphological Dimension of Urbanism-DIMPU Research Groups and Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism. Acts as a professor in the undergraduate course in Environmental Management at the campus Faculdade UnB Planaltina (FUP); in the graduate program in Architecture and Urbanism (PPG-FAU / UnB), in which he is a master's and doctoral advisor; in the Professional Master's in National Network in Water Resources Management and Regulation (Unesp-UnB); and in the Specialization Course on Sustainable Environmental Architectural and Urbanistic Rehabilitation (PPG-FAU / UnB). Researches and publishes in the areas of Urban, Environmental and Regional Planning, with emphasis on Techniques of Analysis and Urban and Regional Evaluation, acting mainly on the following themes: geoprocessing, urban planning, environment, spatial planning and remote sensing

Aline da Nóbrega Oliveira, Architecture and Urbansim College, University of Brasília

Architect and Urbanist from the University of Brasília (UnB). Master's student in the area of Urban and Regional Planning in the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism / UnB. Member of the Research Laboratory for Urban Environmental Management (Ggau / UnB)


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