The importance of the "Rocade des Hauts Plateaux" for the development of the High Plains in Algeria (Nouvelles Villes)
Portugal/ Algeria, Algerian High Plains, Architecture, Villes Nouvelles, BoughezoulAbstract
This paper, originating from work within the ISCTE-IUL PhD Programme in Architecture of Metropolitan Contemporary Territories, intends to motivate a better geographical, demographic, economic and architectural understanding of part of a possible territory for intervention in the near future to Portuguese architects in the Algerian market. The territory of the Algerian High Plains will be described as associated to the construction of the "Rocades des Hauts Plateaux" (and the East/ West Highway), and its importance for the development of the Villes Nouvelles (a comparision with the French phenomenon in the 1960s). A case study will be set forth as an example of the programme Villes Nouvelles – Boughezoul, as well as its connection with the issues earlier described and with others in project/ construction on Algerian territory. The time frame of this study is intended to cover the periods from the 1960s to 2010 (decline of the High Plains), and the period from 2010 to 2020 (possible evolution of the High Plains by contagion with the Villes Nouvelles). We also intended to reflect on the most common habitation type in the periods mentioned above. Subsequently, this article will be part of the PhD Thesis “10 years of Portuguese architectural intervention in the Maghreb – Algeria”, which will try and project the future viability of the Portuguese intervention in the Algerian territory.
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