Violence at school. The fight against violence is just beginning
violence, school, plans, institution, integration, pedagogyAbstract
The central problem of the article is violence at school, especially in "sensitive" or problematic schools. It seeks to describe and reflect critically on the way in which the various actors have envisaged it to find solutions both to solve problems of violence and to prevent them. The article questions the effectiveness of the proposed "anti-violence" plans and the underlying policies (ideologies), from an implementation perspective, so that they become mere plans. It criticizes the inability to mobilize all stakeholders and implicitly believes that it is important to look at this problem more broadly, in the interaction between the school and the city. It also examines some of the relevant issues posed by situations of violence (distinguishing between "visible" and "invisible" penalties), namely the importance of promoting integration and valuing knowledge, qualifying them, and also focusing on pedagogical valorization of teachers, especially those who work in "sensitive" schools, without neglecting safety.
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