Motivational characteristics of Brazilian athletes
The aim of this study was to determine differences and similarities in the motivational characteristics of Brazilian athletes based on Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985). It was analyzed differences between gender (male and female) and type of sport (individual and collective). The sample consisted of 344 athletes, mean age 24.3 ± 6.0. The most subjects were males (64.5%), engaged in team sports (59.9%) and competing at national and international level (64.1%). It was applied the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS), validated in Portuguese (Br-SMS) to measure levels of motivation. There were significant differences in the dimensions Extrinsic Motivation to Introjection, Extrinsic Motivation to External Regulation and Amotivation, according to gender. It was also found significant differences in the dimensions Intrinsic Motivation to Toward Accomplish and Extrinsic Motivation the Introjection according to the sport. The results suggest that Brazilian athletes have unique motivational characteristics when compared with athletes from other countries.
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