The constitution of school health knowledge in the context of pedagogical practice in School Physical Education


  • João Paulo Oliveira UTAD - University of Trás-os-Montes & Alto Douro
  • Kadja Michele Ramos Tenório
  • Andréa Carla de Paiva
  • Sérgio Luiz Cahu Rodrigues
  • Rodrigo Falcão Cabral de Oliveira
  • Marcilio Souza Júnior



In this study, we aimed to analyze how scientific production characterizes school related to health knowledge, mostly based in pedagogical practice studies of Brazilian Physical Education periodicals. Methodologically, this study is characterized as a systematic review of a qualitative approach. In the process of data analysis, we used Categorical Content Analysis by themes, choosing the categories selection, organization and systematization as reference, both for the analytical and the review data. The analysis of the studies evidenced measures of health centered on preventive approaches, as well as to an expanded health dimension, referenced as collective health, presenting great emphasis to the knowledge of physical activity. In the organization, it was possible to perceive health as the main object, cross-theme and underlying content, in a frame of predominance, or alternation between one or another interpretation about the type of knowledge to be discussed in each segment of education. In systematization, different forms of methodological procedures became evident. However, only among the studies that explicitly demonstrated how the systematization process took place, it was clear the approach to theoretical frameworks of the developed action.

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