Anxiety in female college basketball
Anxiety can significantly influence the athlete's performance in the game. The objective of this study was to analyze the trait anxiety and state anxiety related to the competitive situation and correlate it between anxiety and self-confidence variables. Thirty-three college basketball student-athletes (21.61; SD= 2.72 years old) were evaluated using sample characterization questionnaires, SCAT, and CSAI-2 in 3 collection moments (baseline, pre-game, and post-game). The results showed: a) no statistically significant difference in the three moments analyzed in the trait anxiety, with statistically significant correlations with cognitive Anxiety and self-confidence (r= 0.389 e 0-414, respectively); b) in somatic Anxiety, there was a statistically significant difference between baseline, pre-game and post-game levels, with statistically significant correlations with cognitive Anxiety (r= 0.313) and self-confidence (r= -0.511); c) in cognitive Anxiety, there was a statistically significant difference between baseline, pre-game and post-game levels, with significant correlations with self-confidence (r= 0.289). This research, which evaluated Anxiety in competitive situations, makes possible the identification of these variations over time in order to provide important data for the coaching staff, thus improving intervention strategies for the athlete's performance of college sport.
Keywords: Sport psychology, Trait anxiety, State anxiety, College basketball, Student-Athlete.
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