Pacing profile of elite runners of 5.000 m and 10.000 m in 2018 Brazil Athletics Trophy


  • Marcus Vinicius da Silva Departamento de Educação Física - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Victor Hugo Pereira Franco Departamento de Educação Física - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Josária Ferraz Amaral Departamento de Educação Física - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Wenderson da Costa Costa Centro Universitário do Sudeste Mineiro, Juiz de Fora
  • Francisco Veríssimo Perrout Lima Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Jorge Roberto Perrout de Lima Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora



This study intended to analyze the pacing profiles in 5,000 m and 10,000 m race, men and women, in Brazil Athletics Trophy. Thirty-six high-level runners, being 19 women, participated in this study. The races were filmed (iPhone 8 Plus). The device was positioned on the outside of the track and a cone on the inside edge of the finish line. This procedure allowed the acquisition of lap times. The plotting of the percentage of average speed for each lap of the 400 m within a race was used to analyze the pacing profile adopted. Differences between the laps were analyzed through one-way ANOVA for repeated measures. The significance level was established as p<0.05. In the women’s 5,000 m (1.200 m - 4.000 m; p=0.003-0.045) and 10,000 m (2.400 m - 8.400; p= 0.01-0.04), was employed the positive pacing profile. In men’s race, the varied profile was adopted in 5,000 m race (800m - 1.600m, p=0.001-0.019; 3.200m, p=0.00–0.02; last 200m, p= 0.027) and the constant during 10,000 m race (p= 0.98). In these competitions in which the most important is the finishing positions, opponents' actions can influence the tactical decision. Therefore, to succeed, the athletes should remain in the group and sprint in the race's final meters when the result is defined.



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