Motor performance reference values: Percentile charts based on Cole and Green LMS method
The main purpose of this study was to construct reference standards for physical fitness (PF) values, and to graphically highlight differences between Vouzela children and adolescents’ PF levels with those from other national and international references samples. Sample comprised 1920 children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 years. PF was assessed by five tests: handgrip, standing jump, shuttle run, 50-yard dash and 1-mile walk/run. Centile charts were constructed using the LMS method using the LMSchartmarker Pro software. Results suggest pervasive interindividual differences in motor performance. Boys showed higher values than girls for all tests, mainly during the pubertal period. Vouzela children and adolescents had similar performance to other samples in handgrip test, while the 50th percentile values from US sample were higher in standing jump, shuttle run, 50-yard dash tests. Vouzela performance in one mile walk/run was better than Azores and US samples.
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