Effects of wearing arm progressive compression sleeves on upper-body muscular performance in trained men
Investigations have demonstrated that progressive lower-body compression garments can enhance jump power and running economy. Recently, the use of upper-body compression garments has become popular in sports that require muscular strength, endurance, and power. However, the benefits of these garments on muscular performance still need to be investigated. The aim of this study was investigate the effects of wearing compression sleeve on force production and muscle work of the elbow flexors. Eight healthy resistance trained young men volunteered to take part in this study. Testing was conducted using a randomized treatment design with two experimental conditions consisting of: 1) compression sleeve, and 2) placebo sleeve with no compression. Peak torque (PT) and total work (TW) testing consisted of four sets of 10 maximal isokinetic elbow flexion repetitions at 60°.s-1. No significant differences were found between the compression and placebo conditions. However, PT and TW decreased significantly across sets for both conditions. These results indicate that compression sleeves commonly worn by athletes and fitness participants do not contribute to enhance elbow flexion muscle strength or work capacity.Downloads
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