The role of hand dominance in padel: performance profiles of professional players
Profiling methods allow coaches to determine players’ profiles for designing training programs as specific as possible to maximize performance. We aimed to define the distinctive performance profiles for professional padel players according to technical, spatial, effectiveness and hand dominance characteristics. A multivariate decision tree approach was used to identify and classify players’ profiles. Hand dominance comparison revealed a similar technical game pattern along the match (p = 0.330) but different effectiveness rates (p = 0.012). Left-handed scored more points using smashes (63.3 % vs. 40.7 %) but made more errors using the wall (37.7 % vs. 19.5 %); right-handed secured the ball with fewer errors (11.2 % vs. 8.2 %) and more continuity actions (84.9 % vs. 79.9 %). According to these findings, the hand dominance has an important role in players’ game style and effectiveness. These differences should be taken into account for designing optimal training programs in padel.
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