Romper o Cerco

a Rússia de Putin e a Nova Guerra Fria


  • Vasco Rato Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais (IPRI-UNL)


European Union, International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Russia, USA


This article purports to trace Vladimir Putin’s emergence as an uncompromising adversary of the West. Led by Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s traumatic post-communist transition of the 1990s created the conditions for the Kremlin to define a foreign policy in opposition to the Western allies. Believing itself to be encircled as a result of NATO and European Union enlargement, Moscow adopted an increasingly confrontational posture, eventually leading to military interventions in Georgia and Ukraine. In short, Russian assertiveness has provoked a new Cold War. The article traces this process and concludes that geopolitical competition with Russia is now a structural feature of contemporary international politics.





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