
  • Ana Correia de Oliveira General Medicine and Family of USF São João do Porto
  • Rosário Mendonça e Moura General Medicine and Family of USF São João do Porto
  • Isabel Carvalho General Medicine and Family of USF Renascer
  • Maria João Peixoto General Medicine and Family of USF Espaço Saúde



music, pregnancy, child, neurodevelopment


Introduction: Musicembriology is music listening during pregnancy, in order to improve maternal-fetal relationship and child neurodevelopment. However, their relationship is not well established, so it remains a controversial issue.

Objective: Review of the available evidence on the impact of music listening during pregnancy on children’s neurodevelopment.

Methods: Meta-analysis research, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, and standards of clinical orientation, in English and Portuguese languages, published between 01/2004 and 04/2014, on the basis Pubmed / Medline, medical sites based on evidence and Portuguese Index of Medical Journal, using the MeSH terms: music; pregnancy; child; neurodevelopment. For the assessment of levels of evidence (NE) and award recommendation forces (FR) scale SORT was used (Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy) of the American Family Physician.

Results: Eleven articles were found, four of which were selected: three randomized controlled trials and one systematic review. A randomized controlled trial (NE 1) showed significant improvement in neonatal behavior in children whose mothers listened to music during pregnancy. A randomized controlled trial (NE 2) showed an improvement of maternal-fetal relationship with musicoembriology. Another randomized controlled trial (NE3) and a systematic review (B FR) showed that the intrauterine environment is important in the neonatal brain development, especially the development of the motor and sensorineural cerebral cortex.

Conclusion: The available evidence showed that music listening during the embryonic period shows benefit in children’s neurodevelopment. (FR B) However, those obtained studies are few in number and have great heterogeneity in methodological terms. Further studies are needed with controlled populations and similar methodology for the overall recommendation of this measure


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McMahon E, Wintermark P, Lahav A. Auditory brain development in premature infants: the importance of early experience. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2012; 1252: 17-24.

Graven S, Browne J. Auditory Development in the Fetus and Infant. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev 2008; 8: 187-93.

Ullal-Gupta S, Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden CM, Tichko P, Lahav A, Hannon EE. Linking prenatal experience to the emerging musical mind. Front Syst Neurosci. 2013; 7: 48.

Lai R. Wagner of the womb – Does pre-natal music stimulation affect the intelligence of a fetus? Scientists are understanding whether music affects brain development early on before birth. Neur306 Principles of neural development. 2011.

Arya R, Chansoria M, Konanki R, Tiwari DK. Maternal Music Exposure during Pregnancy Influences Neonatal Behaviour: An Open-Label Randomized Controlled Trial. Int J Pediatrics. 2012; ID 901812.

Arabin B, Jahn M. Need for interventional studies on the impact of music in the perinatal period: results of a pilot study on women`s preferences and review of the literature. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2013; 26(4): 357-62.



How to Cite

de Oliveira AC, e Moura RM, Carvalho I, Peixoto MJ. MUSICEMBRIOLOGY IN CHILDREN EURODEVELOPMENT: A REVIEW. REVNEC [Internet]. 2016Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.13];25(3):159-62. Available from:



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