In this four and last manuscript, from the heading “DESIGN, WRITING AND PUBLISHING OF SCIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPTS”, as part of the “SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION” section of the journal “NASCER E CRESCER”, we emphasize the need for verification of the last version of the scientific paper and we present the most relevant aspects of the process of publishing, since its submis- sion until the final decision of refusal or acceptance, and in the latter case, the correction of the proofs


  • Margarida Lima Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto; Hospital de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar do Porto



Scientific education, publication of scientific manuscripts


In this four and last manuscript, from the heading “DESIGN, WRITING AND PUBLISHING OF SCIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPTS”, as part of the “SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION” section of the journal “NASCER E CRESCER”, we emphasize the need for verification of the last version of the scientific paper and we present the most relevant aspects of the process of publishing, since its submis- sion until the final decision of refusal or acceptance, and in the latter case, the correction of the proofs.


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How to Cite

Lima M. In this four and last manuscript, from the heading “DESIGN, WRITING AND PUBLISHING OF SCIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPTS”, as part of the “SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION” section of the journal “NASCER E CRESCER”, we emphasize the need for verification of the last version of the scientific paper and we present the most relevant aspects of the process of publishing, since its submis- sion until the final decision of refusal or acceptance, and in the latter case, the correction of the proofs. REVNEC [Internet]. 2016Sep.5 [cited 2025Feb.22];22(4):263-8. Available from:



Scientific Education