Patient safety: potential drug-drug interactions caused by the overlapping of medications agreed by the nurse




patient safety, medication errors, drug interactions, medication systems, hospital, nursing


Background: Hospital drug therapy has the potential for incidents, thus it is necessary to identify situations that may compromise patient safety.

Objective: To investigate potential drug-drug interactions caused by the overlapping of medications planned by nurses in the patients’ prescriptions at a hospital inpatient unit.

Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional study of documentary analysis with a quantitative approach, of 260 prescriptions for adult patients. Potential drug- interactions were identified using the Drug Interaction Checker (Medscape®).

Results: A total of 3066 doses were analyzed, with a concentration of 4 schedules, showing an institutional standardization of schedules. The omission error rate was 5.44%. Drug-drug interactions of moderate severity were more frequent, especially lopinavir/clonazepam and diazepam/tramadol combinations.

Conclusion: Omission errors and interactions can be minimized with tools to support clinical decision and reconfiguration of the work process.


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How to Cite

Aline Bernardo Bueno, A., Pereira Caldas, C., Giron Camerini, F., Silva Fassarella, C., & Affonso Luna, A. (2020). Patient safety: potential drug-drug interactions caused by the overlapping of medications agreed by the nurse. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(3), 1–8.



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