Validation of hospital effectiveness indicators in the patient-centered care dimension
patient-centered care, delivery of health care, healthcare quality indicators, hospitals, nursing careAbstract
Background: Indicators of effectiveness in the dimension of patient-centered care.
Objective: To validate indicators for determining attributes that make it possible to measure the effectiveness of hospital care in the dimension of patient-centered care.
Methodology: Quantitative survey type study, carried out in 2017 to judge eight indicators, considering 11 attributes, by 52 specialists, using the Delphi technique and the electronic Survey Monkey® platform. The internal consistency was tested by Cronbach’s Alpha 0,98. A valid indicator was considered when there was a minimum consensus of 70% between the responses of the participants, in all attributes.
Results: Four indicators were validated: patient satisfaction; surgeries canceled on the scheduled day; hospital recommendation; and the patient’s involvement in their own care, with high internal consistency (0.98).
Conclusion: The validated indicators favor the evaluation of the effectiveness of hospital care oriented to the valorization of the person as a care center. Non-validated indicators are the subject of future studies.
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