Rehabilitation nursing care and emancipatory process
rehabilitation nursing, hope, philosophy, nursingAbstract
Background: The science of nursing is immersed in the process of care, and, historically speaking, the profession was built based on scientific criteria of what care is and how to practice it. This study explores how to practice nursing care as an emancipatory process.
Objective: This article aims to share and stimulate the debate about nursing care and emancipator process, using Honneth’s theory of recognition and Bloch’s principle of hope.
Main topics under analysis: Reflection on the theory of recognition and principle of hope as conceptual foundations for rehabilitation nursing care. Study based on philosophical literature about rehabilitation. Nursing care is considered an intersubjective relationship in the emancipatory process, in which them self-realization of the nurse depends on the self-realization of the cared-for person.
Conclusion: The construction of the subject occurs in intersubjective, historical, and recognition relationships. For responsible care, we should consider the three levels of recognition: love, rights, and solidarity. In this sense, the care will be an integral and emancipatory process.
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