Safe cardiovascular care in nursing education: perspective of teachers, students and graduates
cardiovascular nursing, patient safety, education, higher, nursing educationAbstract
Background: Patient safety is essential for the promotion of quality of care, especially when associated with the global and regional epidemiological impact of cardiovascular health, highlighting the need for a clear introduction of the theme in the health curriculum.
Objective: Analyze nursing teaching in the field of safe cardiovascular care.
Methodology: Hermeneutic study carried out in the nursing course of a public university in the interior of Northeastern Brazil with teachers, students, and graduates. Sampling was by convenience. The interviews and focus groups were submitted to thematic categorical analysis with theoretical reference of the Curricular guide of patient safety of the World Health Organization. The final sample was 46 participants.
Results: The categories resulted in the themes: Care is complex and its teaching is fragmented, The lack of specificity in teaching safe cardiovascular care, The recognition of safe cardiovascular care and The challenges of teaching and learning in safe cardiovascular care.
Conclusion: The teaching of safe cardiovascular care proved to be indirect and fragmented by all groups of participants.
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