Escala de Detección de Sexismo en Adolescentes: translation and validation for the Portuguese population




sexism, adolescent, validation studies, gender violence


Background: Sexism is defined as individuals’ beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and practices that reflect negative evaluations based on gender and reinforce gender inequality. Early interventions should be implemented to reduce it.

Objective: To validate the Escala de Detección de Sexismo en Adolescentes (DSA) for the Portuguese population.

Methodology: Validation included translation, cultural adaptation, and construct validity procedures, in a sample of 259 adolescents (aged 13 to 19 years) attending basic and secondary education schools.

Results: The exploratory factor analysis showed that hostile sexism (HS; 16 items) and benevolent sexism (BS; 10 items) account for 38.34% and 10.25% of total variance, respectively.

Conclusion: The DSA scale has good psychometric properties and kept the items of the original version. HS is higher in male adolescents and BS is higher in female adolescents. HS increases with age. The DSA scale proved to be a valid tool for measuring sexism in Portuguese adolescents.


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How to Cite

Isabel Domingues Fernandes, M., Maria Pinheiro Borges Moreira, I., Manuel Silva, A., Alegre de Sá, M. da C., Maria Figueira Veríssimo, C., & Neto da Cruz Leitão, M. (2020). Escala de Detección de Sexismo en Adolescentes: translation and validation for the Portuguese population. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(1).



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