Assessment of patient safety in the operating room: nurses’ perceptions
patient safety, operating rooms, health policy, nursingAbstract
Background: Most healthcare incidents occur in the operating room. Thus, it is essential to implement patient safety policies.
Objective: Characterize perioperative nurses’ perceptions of patient safety in the operating room.
Methodology: Descriptive study using sampling by clusters of hospitals. The sample consisted of 1,001 nurses from 46 operating rooms. The Patient Safety in the Operating Room Questionnaire was applied and IBM SPSS Statistics software, version 25.0, was used for data processing.
Results: The analysis of the percentages of positive answers revealed that most patient safety dimensions have a low level of implementation (<50%), particularly those regarding audits. Only the dimensions concerning good practices in unambiguous patient identification and antimicrobial resistance and infection control and prevention had high levels of implementation (≥75%).
Conclusion: The results point to opportunities for improvement in the generality of dimensions of patient safety in the operating room.
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