Program of animal-assisted interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder




child, autism spectrum disorder, animal-assisted therapy, family


Background: Autism spectrum disorder implies adjustments in the daily care of the child. In this scenario, animal-assisted interventions seem to act as a facilitator in maintaining the quality of life of these individuals.

Objective: To develop an animal-assisted intervention program for children with autism spectrum disorder (AAIPC-ASD).

Methodology: Methodological study for the construction of a program of animal-assisted interventions, applicable to children with autism spectrum disorder, based on the model of complex interventions of the Medical Research Council that consists of four stages: identifying the evidence base, identifying/developing theory, modeling process, and assessing effectiveness.

Results: The AAIPC-ASD development process has resulted in the construction of Version 1 of the program, consisting of the following items: program planning, session planning, implementation, field notes, and final evaluation.

Conclusion: The structure of Version 1 of the AAIPC-ASD is aligned with the characteristics of its target group, based on primary field research data and updated bibliographic data. Its effectiveness and validation will be assessed in later stages.


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How to Cite

Potrich, T., Nitschke, R. G., Marques, M. I. D., & Viegas, S. M. da F. (2021). Program of animal-assisted interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Nursing Referência, 5(7), 1–8.



Research Articles