Women’s perceptions of the care received during water birth





natural childbirth, humanizing delivery, nurse midwives, nursing theory, nursing care, comprehensive health care


Background: The model for care provided during water birth is interpersonal, comprehensive, and respected.

Objective: To identify women’s perceptions of the care provided by nurses specialized in maternal and obstetric health nursing nurses specialized in maternal and obstetric health nursing during water birth from the perspective of Jean Watson’s nursing theory.

Methodology: Empirical, qualitative, and interpretative research with 24 Portuguese women who had a water birth in hospitals or at home. Data were analyzed using Bardin’s content analysis method.

Results: Five categories emerged from the narratives: welcoming environment; women in control during labor; trusting relationship; expectations fulfilled; and the partner as part of the process.

Conclusion: The Clinical Caritas Process was perceived in the narratives through respect and affection during care delivery to develop a relationship and promote cooperation, leading to inner healing through this care process. Participants’ perceptions of the care received during their water birth revealed a safe, intimate, respectful, welcoming, and favorable environment, without unnecessary interventions and supported by the partner.


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How to Cite

Camargo, J. da C. S. de, Urasaki, M. B. M., Albuquerque, R. S. de, Serra, A. R. de J. F., Mendonça, M. E. B. M., Néné, M., & Grande, M. C. L. R. (2022). Women’s perceptions of the care received during water birth. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(1), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.12707/RV21099



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