Validation of the Personal Life Questionnaire in University Students (PLQ Universitários
Healthy Lifestyle, health promotion, validation study, studentsAbstract
Background: University students experience several situations that can change their lifestyles. The search for a suitable research tool to analyze the lifestyle of this population is justified by the importance of this phase.
Objective: To describe the validation process of the Questionário de Estilos de Vida Pessoal em Estudantes Universitários (PLQ-Universitários) in Brazilian university students.
Methodology: This study was conducted with 286 Brazilian university students. Reliability wasanalyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Internal consistency was analyzed through Cronbach’s alpha of the total scale and test-retest stability using the ICC.
Results: Cronbach’s alpha for internal consistency was 0.686 for men and 0.647 for women.
Conclusion: This tool can be used to identify behaviors related to the lifestyle of Brazilian university students.
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