Assessment interval scale for peripheral intravenous catheters in pediatrics: A convergent care research study
catheterization, peripheral, nursing care, Delphi technique, childAbstract
Background: According to the literature 58.7% to 86.7% of hospitalized patients have a peripheral venous catheter. However, the use of this device is not without complications. The management of these devices generates a significant demand for care by the nursing team.
Objective: Construct and validate a scale to determine the time interval for the evaluation of peripheral accesses using continuous infusion in pediatrics.
Methodology: Methodological, observational, prospective, quantitative and convergent assistential study.
Results: The scale was submitted to two phases for construct validation. The final sum of all scores had an agreement of 87.5%. The Linear Weighted Kappa Reliability Test showed almost perfect reliability 0.91, 0.87 and 0.88 for patient’s clinical condition, vein characteristics and final score respectively. All indicators were statistically significant (p = 0.001).
Conclusion: The time interval for the evaluation of peripheral accesses in continuous infusion, considering the specificity of each patient, is possible using the Maia e Castro scale, which helps the practice of nursing care in pediatric patients.
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