Family assessment and nursing process: skills and knowledge development program
family nursing, training, nurses, familyAbstract
Background: In the family approach, it is essential for nurses to have tools to intervene. The Calgary Family Assessment Model (MCAF) is an important instrument in family nursing practice.
Objectives: To know the importance attributed to the family by nurses who are part of a family health unit (FHU) in the Central Region of Portugal; Identify nurses’ knowledge of family assessment by applying the MCAF; To evaluate the impact of the application of an intervention program involving knowledge and skills on family assessment by the MCAF in nursing professionals.
Methodology: Longitudinal, quasi-experimental study, performed in two moments of data collection, pre and post test design, without control group, with 8 nurses, selected by the non-probabilistic/accidental /convenience method.
Results: Nurses have family supportive attitudes. There are significant statistical differences in knowledge and skills in family assessment by the MCAF before and after intervention.
Conclusion: The implementation of intervention programs in family assessment by the MCAF, allows knowledge transfer and skills development.
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