Nurses’ conceptions of communication in shift handover meetings
communication, information management, shift work schedule, patient handover, nursesAbstract
Background: Nurses’ communication in shift handover meetings is described as a process of information sharing/relationship and patient handover using verbal and non-verbal language. It is considered vital for the quality of care.
Objective: To examine nurses’ conceptions of communication in shift handover meetings. Methodology: This qualitative descriptive study uses interviews and content analysis with a convenience sample of 32 nurses from different health services, units, and departments. The participants were selected from a higher education institution, where they were attending Postgraduate and Master’s degrees in Nursing.
Results: Nurses point out more barriers to communication in shift handover meetings (such as frequent interruptions and professionals’ lack of interest and hurry to leave) than elements of effectiveness (the transmission of all intended information). They consider that effective communication should be objective, brief, complete, and systematic and allow receiving versus transmitting relevant information at the beginning and end of the shift.
Conclusion: Nurses believe that communication in shift handover meetings must be improved, high lighting in-service training on this theme as a measure to be adopted, among others.
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