Validation of a forensic evidence collection and preservation protocol in emergency settings: Delphi technique




clinical protocols, nursing assessment, forensic nursing, Delphi technique


Background: Emergency nurses play a fundamental role in investigating crimes and collaborating with criminal police bodies to collect forensic evidence. This responsibility requires appropriate knowledge, techniques, and equipment. The link between health care and the procedural legal system prevents unnecessary destruction of evidence and improves investigation outcomes.

Objective: To build a forensic evidence collection and preservation protocol for the emergency department and validate its content.

Methodology: A quantitative methodological study with a descriptive approach was carried out with 24 experts: seven nurses, two officers of the National Republican Guard (GNR), six officers of the Portuguese Criminal Investigation Police (PJ), and nine officers of the Public Safety Police (PSP) using the Delphi technique. The content validity index = 0.75 was used.

Results: After Round 2, a content validity index of 0.89 was found for the 19 items included in the protocol.

Conclusion: The protocol is considered an essential tool to improve the collection and preservation of forensic evidence in emergency settings.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, L. M. C. ., Dixe, M. dos A. C. R. ., & Mendonça, S. M. S. . (2024). Validation of a forensic evidence collection and preservation protocol in emergency settings: Delphi technique. Journal of Nursing Referência, 6(3), 1–7.



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