Health education in Portuguese schools: guidelines from the health and education sectors
health promotion, health education, school health services, community health services, educationAbstract
Background: In Portugal, all elementary and secondary schools are considered to be Health Promoting Schools.
Objective: To analyze the guidelines for the implementation of health promoting schools, issued by the health and education sectors, and assess whether they are consistent with international guidelines.
Methodology: Qualitative study, with content analysis of official documents using NVivo®11 Pro software.
Results: Both sectors (health and education) care about the Measures to be taken in order to provide organizational and cooperative conditions; define the Objectives clearly, which are coincident; consider active Methodologies/strategies, particularly project methodologies; present similar Areas/themes of intervention; and consider the Assessment essentially quantitative.
Conclusion: The health and education documents are convergent and complementary, with articulation between both sectors for an efficient implementation of health promoting schools.
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